Life is a Garden: kids Activity of July
November 20, 2019Life is a Garden – Vegetables and Herbs/Recipes
November 20, 2019Symptoms/Signs
Bare round patches in your lawn, stripped of grass is a definite sign that you should inspect a little closer. Harvester termites prefer collecting dry grass, but they do collect Kikuyu grass too, causing open patches in your lawn. When you look a little closer you may notice a hole in the centre of the patch surrounded by mounds of soil, this is an indication that harvester termites are present.
What does this mean for me/my plants?
Harvester termites can do serious damage to lawns in particular, but can affect your flower beds too. They feed on dead and living plants like grasses, leaves, twigs and seedlings and a single queen can lay up to 25 000 eggs per day. They form subterranean tunnels which in seriously infected areas become interconnected in a large network.
Suggested Action
Depending on the severity of the infestation, there are various methods that can be used, including laying down baits which will kill the termites in the nest. Visit your local GCA Garden Centre for expert advice on the correct method’s and products to use!