Make a Valentine’s Day Card that Grows
January 30, 2020March in the Garden
February 28, 2020ECOCERT Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd was registered in 2002 and is the only organic certification body with a dedicated office in Southern Africa (situated in Stellenbosch). The company’s head office in France, established in 1991, was one of the pioneers of organic certification. We are an energetic and dynamic team who pride ourselves on quick communication response times and friendly service in English or Afrikaans.Our office can perform audits in the following countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Our service offer includes organic (EOS/NOP/JAS/KOR/Naturland), sustainable (Rainforest Alliance) and fair trade (Fair for Life) certification, the attestation of inputs for use in organic agriculture, training and consultation according to your needs.
Ecocert has a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy to be a responsible actor for a sustainable world. Every three years the Ecocert Group takes on five projects, located anywhere in the world and voted in by Ecocert staff, that contribute towards the sustainability of the community where the project is situated. These projects are then supported by Ecocert for the given three years. All Ecocert offices are encouraged to contribute to a project within their community that contributes to the sustainability on an environmental or social level. Ecocert Southern Africa found out about the Devon Valley School’s vegetable garden and discovered that there was a lack of support in maintaining it. Devon Valley School is a no pay school and the children that attend the school receive a meal every day. In the past the vegetable garden substituted the meals made at the school. Ecocert Southern Africa has taken it upon themselves to help support the school in getting the garden up and running to produce healthy, nutritious food for the school children. A request went out to all Ecocert clients for support of donations to this project. Atlantic Fertilisers promptly and enthusiastically asked if they can be part of the project and to donate fertiliser to give the growing plants much needed nutrients. We are very happy to have them onboard and we look forward to working with them long term on this project.
Contact us for a free quotation: or call us on 021 8832299 / 062 822 3072. You can also visit our website ( or Facebook page ( for more information.