Tiptop Topiary
April 1, 2023
Balcony besties: poppies and petunias
May 1, 2023
Tiptop Topiary
April 1, 2023
Balcony besties: poppies and petunias
May 1, 2023

Plant Moms

May is for the plant moms! Embrace becoming a botanical boss and dig your way into the world of plant parenting with confidence. Celebrate Mother’s Day with a new addition to the family or gift mommy dearest something to help with that empty nest. Follow Life is a Garden’s guide to successful indoor gardening.

Seasoned plant moms

If you’re looking for a plant that says “this isn’t my first child”, these three high-maintenance favourites will glamorously show off your expert parenting skills.

1). Moth orchid

  • Tantrums about: could be anything but especially overwatering. 
  • Bribe it with: patience, loose bark potting mix, indirect sunlight, humidity, scheduled watering.

2). Maidenhair fern

  • Tantrums about: not being able to watch you shower.
  • Bribe it with: misting, dappled light, and humidity. Also, some time outdoors where it can see the sunset.

3). Calathea

  • Tantrums about: being the only child and open spaces.
  • Bribe it with: bright, indirect sun, well-draining soil, lots of friends to increase humidity, and a shallow container (short-root syndrome).

First-time plant parents

When gifting or homing a plant as the first indoor offspring, go for these three easy greens that don’t always need to be the centre of attention.

1). Snake plant

  • May give glares when: irritated by too many water kisses.
  • Give pocket money and: only one or two waterings during winter and almost any light condition.

2). Spider plant

  • May give glares when: it’s too hot to play inside  
  • Give pocket money and: well-drained soil, indirect light, occasional pruning of playful spiderettes.

3). Pothos (Epipremnum)

  • May give glares when: grounded and unable to go anywhere.
  • Give pocket money and: a hanging basket or trellis, a little pruning, and a chance to dry out between watering.

Indoor growing guide

Regardless of what you are planning to grow, here are our top tips for successfully raising your bundles of joy indoors.

  • Adoption: purchase plants and seedlings from our quality approved GCA Garden Centres, ensuring that your new greens have already been given the best head start in life.
  • Containers: always choose a container with many drainage holes, and don’t forget the saucer! Purchasing a small watering can with a long spout is also a great idea.
  • Repotting: potted plants will eventually outgrow their containers. You’ll know it’s time to repot them when there is more root than soil left inside the pot. Upgrade your pot size and replenish the soil with fresh potting mix and a splash of fertiliser. Ask your garden centre assistant for help on which plant food and soil mix to use for your particular plant.
  • Journaling: to help organise feeding, watering and pruning times, begin a diary for your indoor plants where you can schedule your playdates properly. A journal will also help future babysitters and prevent them from accidentally doing damage to your hard work while you are away.
  • Maintenance: to keep your plant children looking and performing their best, use a damp cloth to remove any dust from the leaves. Dust prevents plants from absorbing adequate light and clogs their stomata – the holes which they need to breathe. In addition, deadheading spent blooms will encourage more flower power while pruning promotes lush regrowth.

The benefits of plant babies

Indoor gardening is a fabulous hobby! You could start an Instagram page to promote your plant-parenthood journey and let the world celebrate those special growth milestones with you. In addition, gardening of all kinds promotes a connection with nature, increases happiness, improves air quality, and is really fun (and slightly addictive).

From conversation starters to filling an empty nest, there’s always a reason to get a new plant or five! Remember to check the growing instructions of your new addition and make sure you can provide the perfect place for optimal growth. Life is a Garden, and plant moms are awesome!

Source: Life is a Garden