September in the Garden Checklist
September 1, 2024
Top 10 tips on how to get the most from your garden
October 1, 2024DIY Succulent and Rose Flower Crowns for Kids
We’re calling on all the fairies, princesses, queens and creatures of the garden to come out and DIY with us. We’ve got a little something special for the girls this October – drum roll, please… enter the flower crown! In celebration of October rose month as well as Garden Day on the 20th of October, we’re blushing shades of pink and green to bring you these lovely flower crown ideas using succulents and roses.
You will need:
- An Alice-band and/or pliable craft wire
- A few glorious succulents, roses, and some viney plant strands (Ivy may work nicely)
- Green insulation tape, twine or ribbon
- Superglue
- Scissors and maybe some pliers
- Bits and bobs of pretty arts and crafts goodies like shells and beads if you like

Getting started
The first thing our DIY fairies need to decide on is whether they would like to decorate an existing Alice-band or if they would like to create a crown from scratch. Secondly, have a look in the garden at what kind of succulents, roses, and other vine-type plants are available. Head off to your local GCA Garden Centre for those special flowers and vinery you may want to add. Gather your arts and crafts goodies and prep your creation station.
Preparing your headband
If you are using an existing Alice-band, we recommend you choose one that is a little wider to give you more of a surface on which to stick and wrap your goodies. Alternately, if you’re creating a headband from craft wire, we recommend using at least two strands of wire together for more stability and also for more surface area to work with.
Breathing life into your creation
- Step 1: Single out your centrepiece succulents and roses. Make smaller bouquets with your additional greenery for added texture, variety, height, and a personal creative touch
- Step 2: Shape your handmade wire crown to size, leaving a little extra room for the decorations. Connect the circle crown with a little insulation tape. You may also wish to completely cover your crown with ribbon or twine before you move on.
- Step 3: Wrap your vinery around the crown/Alice-band. Use some twine or super glue to secure the greenery.
Terrific tip: Use a whip-like stem from a willow tree, or similar sort, to make a bow. Intertwining the stem will hold your flowers in place nicely.
- Step 4: Place your focal point roses and succulents around the crown/Alice-band. You may want them all in front or perhaps spread around the crown. You can secure them by weaving the stems through the wire, or by using a mixture of superglue and twine for Alice-band crowns.
- Step 5: Arrange your mini-flower bouquets and any additional decorations such as shells and beads to all remaining open spaces. Once again, secure your flowers and décor goodies with a little super glue, craft wire, ribbon, or twine. You may want to use some tongs here if you’re working with wire.
- Step 6: Make sure your crown has fully dried and set. Place on top of your head and parade around like a magnificent fairy princess, Earth goddess!
Terrific tip: Store your living floral crown in the fridge to keep it fresh. Lightly spray your blooms before you wear it to pucker them up a little.
This DIY floral crown is a fabulous opportunity for the girls to engage with the garden and get some hands-on education about crafting with flowers. The best part is – there’s no right or wrong, just the perfection of creativity married with the flawless creations of Mother Nature.
Source: Life is a Garden