Fertilise onions the Atlantic way!
November 2, 2022
Suggested measures to promote citrus fertilisation:
March 9, 2023
Fertilise onions the Atlantic way!
November 2, 2022
Suggested measures to promote citrus fertilisation:
March 9, 2023

Planning with regards to the establishment of pastures, cash crops, legumes and cover crops is already underway.

Several aspects need attention, for example – the correction of certain elements, liming, cultivation practices, weed control, crop nutrition and soil health, to name just a few. This leads to choosing products that are best suited to promote sustainable yields and improve soil fertility and soil health.

Improving soil fertility with manure products and biostimulants are growing practices. These two elements provide support to the soil in order for it to reach its maximum potential.

Product choices and equipment availability are both factors leading to various approaches for everyone’s unique circumstances.  Atlantic Fertilisers will gladly answer questions and offer solutions with a range of quality products and experiences.

The annual growth in the use of Atlantic Fertilisers’ products and satisfied customers, is a proud testament of the successes achieved in the Western Cape’s Sandveld and Swartland areas to the Southern Cape’s Overberg and Garden Route areas.

Some products and practices that can be considered, are for example:

  1. The convenience of broadcasting composted pelleted chicken manure products before planting
  2. The use of enriched semi-organic planter mixtures for application in the rows
  3. The use of foliar sprays with microelements and biostimulants such as Ocean Nutrition and Bio Kelp X5

Feel free to contact us to assist you with technical advice. Together we can explore the best suited approach for your circumstances. Our distributors are ready to assist you with your orders and timely deliveries.

May 2023 be a successful year for all, resulting in a legacy of healthier and fertile soil.