A greener today is a better tomorrow!
May 4, 2022
Ensure the development of strong trees and vines:
July 6, 2022
A greener today is a better tomorrow!
May 4, 2022
Ensure the development of strong trees and vines:
July 6, 2022

Effective fertilisation practices: For cost-effective fertilisation, the importance of taking soil samples cannot be stressed enough.

To reduce fertilisation costs, it is necessary to adjust fertilising practices according to the soil analyses report together with the crop requirements. Input costs can thus be saved where sufficient plant nutrients are present in the soil. Taking and analysing soil samples is cheaper compared to making mistakes with modern fertilisation costs, especially where corrections need to be made!

The basis of plant nutrition is determined by the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. Limiting factors in the soil must be addressed by following the correct practices along with a focused fertilisation program.

It is recommended that soil samples are taken at least every 3 years and even at shorter intervals where production or other problems occur.

After the soil has been analysed by an accredited laboratory (Agri-LASA), an agriculturist can pay attention to:

  • Limiting factors
  • Previous fertilisation program
  • Yield and vigour
  • New fertilisation program
  • Leaf analyses
  • Soil health

Special attention should also be paid to soil health as well as calcium and sulphur nutrition, as this can influence the effective utilisation of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.

The contribution of nutrients by manure sources must be taken into account in the fertilisation program, as well as the indirect contribution to improving the efficiency of nutrients applied, and the effect on microbial activity.

Atlantic Fertilisers can assist in taking your soil samples, interpreting the results, and designing fertilisation guidelines to meet your requirements.  We are only a phone call away.