Herlewingslandbou: Olyfboerdery lewer reeds groter oeste na 4 jaar: Groot opgewondenheid heers op die Goedgedacht-olyfplaas oor die toenemende groter oeste wat met behulp van herlewingsboerderypraktyke gelewer […]
Effective fertilisation practices: For cost-effective fertilisation, the importance of taking soil samples cannot be stressed enough. To reduce fertilisation costs, it is necessary to adjust fertilising […]
Post-harvest fertilisation: The importance of post-harvest fertilisation is to provide and store reserves for the coming season. It is also one of the most important fertilisation […]
Citrus plantings increase wine producer’s profitability: Andries du Toit has been farming on the family farm Horologe Krants in the Rawsonville area since 1986. He decided […]
Establishing perennial crops. Creating a healthy root system is important when perennial crops are established. A healthy root system will support the development and longevity of […]